Hair worn out by chemical treatment and daily harmful agents ultimately present a porous aspect, resulting from the opening of scales and loss of nutrients. Despite of constant hydration, the open cuticle fails to retain components that are essential to the fiber’s health. For this reason, Inoar developed the Moroccan Hair Treatment.
The Moroccan Hair Treatment contains active agents that replenish the keratin that was lost as time passes and seals the hairs, reducing volume by up to 30%. Its formula restores dried hair tips keeping them aligned and defined without changing the natural form of the hair. Straight hair becomes straighter and wavy hair will have perfect waves.
The Moroccan Hair Treatment is excellent for maintaining the Brazilian Blowout or the German Smart Blowout as it eliminates split tips and reduces volume, extending beauty, shine and definition.
Cabelos desgastados por processos químicos e pelas agressões do dia a dia acabam apresentando um aspecto poroso, consequente da abertura das escamas e perda de nutrientes. Mesmo com hidratações constantes, a cutícula aberta não consegue reter componentes essenciais à saúde da fibra. Por isso a Inoar desenvolveu a Plástica Capilar Marroquina.
A Plástica Capilar Marroquina possui ativos que repõe a queratina perdida com o tempo e selam o fio, reduzindo em até 30% o volume. Sua formulação restaura as pontas ressecadas, mantendo os fios alinhados e definidos sem alterar a forma natural dos cabelos. Os lisos se tornam mais lisos e os ondulados ficam com ondas perfeitas.
A Plástica Capilar Marroquina é excelente para manutenção de progressivas, porque elimina as pontas duplas e reduz o volume, prolongando a beleza, o brilho e a definição dos fios.
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